Expository Preaching in Africa

Expository Preaching in Africa

Autor: Ezekiel A. Ajibade

How can expository preaching, rooted in a textual analysis of Scripture, be effectively utilized in oral cultures? In Expository Preaching in Africa, Ezekiel A. Ajibade engages this challenge directly, offering practical techniques for integrating African oral elements – such as myths, proverbs, folklore, dance, drama, poetry, and storytelling – into preaching that is both biblical and African. Alongside numerous examples and tools, Ajibade provides a rich overview of the nature of orality, the history and development of African preaching, and the reason biblical exposition must be central to gospel proclamation. He reminds us that it is the word of God, incarnated among us, that has the power to transform lives and revitalize nations. Contextualized expository preaching is not, therefore, one technique to be utilized among many; it is, rather, the heart of biblical teaching and the future of the African church. While contributing significantly to studies in contextualization and homiletics, this book is immediately applicable to practitioners, especially African preachers and those working in oral contexts.


ISBN: 9781839732140

Dewey: 251

Año: 2021

The Wayfarer

The Wayfarer

Autor: Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah

Scripture testifies to God’s care for displaced peoples. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a narrative filled with migrants, with refugees, and with wayfarers. Even God himself is shown to be “on the move” – a God who does not stay on one side of the border but crosses over to save his people. In The Wayfarer, Dr. Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah engages the global refugee crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective that encompasses both development studies and theological reflection. Using specific examples from Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa, Msabah provides an overview of the sociopolitical, economic, and environmental dynamics of forced migration, while simultaneously exploring theological and cultural frameworks for understanding transformational community development. He examines both the church’s calling to provide sanctuary for displaced peoples and the role of refugees in contributing to the socioeconomic welfare of their host countries. While the church’s mandate is to act with justice and mercy towards the world’s most vulnerable populations, Msabah also reminds us that refugees are not passive recipients but powerful examples of courage, resilience, and hope who can, in their turn, transform our nations and our faith communities for the better.


ISBN: 9781839732256

Dewey: 248

Año: 2021

Joel, Nahum, and Malachi

Joel, Nahum, and Malachi

Autor: Joseph Too Shao

The three prophets – Joel, Nahum, and Malachi – speak to the challenges of their own day. Joel, following a locust plague, confronts the people of a bigger impending catastrophe that they could avoid if they return to God with prayers. As such, amid pain, he offers hope. Nahum depicts the wrath of God against an oppressive country. Although God is slow to anger, he will pursue his justice against oppressors. This instills faith in troubled times as God is, forever, the refuge to his people. Malachi calls the people to honor the unchanging God who continues to care for them, even if they have fallen short in many ways. To honor God means knowing and walking with him in words and in deeds. Serving him is a great privilege. He will refine those who are serving him with his divine unwavering love. The Asia Bible Commentary Series empowers Christian believers in Asia to read the Bible from within their respective contexts. Holistic in its approach to the text, each exposition of the biblical books combines exegesis and application. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the Body of Christ in Asia by providing pastoral and contextual exposition of every book of the Bible.


ISBN: 9781839732652

Dewey: 222

Año: 2021

Women in Mission

Women in Mission

Autor: Lami Rikwe Ibrahim Bakari

In Africa and around the world, the church has been established through the faithful effort of men and women working together for the sake of the gospel. However, failure to acknowledge women’s contributions in evangelism and ministry – or to integrate women’s stories into the history of the church – has led to treating women as secondary within the body of Christ. Women in Mission explores the powerful legacy of women in SIM (formerly, Sudan Interior Mission) and the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), demonstrating that from the beginning women have been active and essential participants in the work of God in Nigeria. Dr. Lami Rikwe Ibrahim Bakari examines various theological and cultural frameworks for understanding the role of women in society before delving into the rich historical reality of women’s involvement in Nigerian church history. This study is a powerful reminder that God’s call to partner in the gospel is not limited by sex, and that it is precisely in recognizing women as primary and active participants in God’s mission – maximizing and not suppressing their giftings –that the kingdom of God is best served.


ISBN: 9781839732096

Dewey: 270

Año: 2021

Church and Mission in the Context of War

Church and Mission in the Context of War

Autor: Eraston Kambale Kighoma

The church in the Democratic Republic of Congo is no stranger to conflict, yet little research has been done on the impact of war in shaping the local church’s understanding of itself and its mission. In this in-depth study, Dr. Eraston Kambale Kighoma traces the survival and theological development of the Baptist Church in Central Africa over a twenty-year period of conflict. Utilizing a combination of descriptive, contextual and integrative approaches, he examines the effect of war on the church’s theology in action, especially its understanding and practice of mission. This study sheds new light on existing theories of missions, while offering specific insight into the church’s missionary task in contexts of conflict. It offers an excellent addition to missiological studies for scholars and practitioners alike.


ISBN: 9781839730627

Dewey: 266

Año: 2021

Focalization in the Old Testament Narratives with Specific Examples from the Book of Ruth

Focalization in the Old Testament Narratives with Specific Examples from the Book of Ruth

Autor: Konstantin Nazarov

Since Gérard Genette first coined the term in 1972, focalization has been recognized as one ofthe key concepts in contemporary understandings of narrative. However, in the field of biblical studies, the concept has been largely overlooked. Dr. Konstantin Nazarov seeks to rectify this oversight, exploring the implications of focalization on Old Testament narratology. Utilizing the work of Wolf Schmid and Valeri Tjupa to develop his methodology – and examining the book of Ruth as a case study – Nazarov demonstrates the value of focalization in furthering the appreciation and understanding of biblical texts. This is an excellent resource for students of narratology, biblical studies scholars, or anyone seeking to better understand the narratives of Scripture.


ISBN: 9781839732157

Dewey: 221

Año: 2021

Sermon Listening

Sermon Listening

Autor: Enoh Šeba

Preaching is an integral part of every church service, and its purpose has always been to edify, encourage, and to emphasize the positive effects of coming together as a people of God. Yet there remains an inconsistency between the intended goals of preaching and the subjective perception of the listeners. In this homiletical study, Dr. Enoh Šeba provides fresh insight into the “turn to the listener” model and offers a theologically sustainable warrant mandate for the transformation of the preaching practice through a stronger involvement of the congregation. While grounding the research in the experience of Croatian Baptists, Dr. Šeba highlights practical suggestions for both listeners and preachers that are transferrable across contexts. This important work reveals that preaching can and should be transformed into a truly congregational practice that will affirmatively affect the dynamics of ecclesial life. This book will spark conversations and induce small-scale changes on a variety of levels while bridging the gap between preachers and their listeners.


ISBN: 9781839732218

Dewey: 251

Año: 2021

Breakfast on the Beach

Breakfast on the Beach

Autor: Johannes W. H. van der Bijl

All too often, we attempt to reduce the gospel narrative to a set of theological propositions. However, our faith is not rooted in the abstract realm of thought but in the tangible, sweat and blood world where we live out our calling to follow in the footsteps of Christ. The gospel is full of the real-life struggles, fears, failures, and triumphs of men and women just like us, and in this retelling of Jesus’s ministry as experienced by Simon Peter, Rev. Dr. Johannes W. H. van der Bijl invites us to encounter the gospel’s transformative power afresh. Breakfast on the Beach is a harmonized, chronological retelling of the four Gospels that explores Jesus’s fourfold method of discipleship through its impact on his followers, especially Simon Peter. Harnessing the power of story, Johannes brings the gospel to life in new ways, emphasizing the relational nature of faith, discipleship, and what it means to follow Christ – whether in first-century Judea or in our own lives and contexts.


ISBN: 9781839732072

Dewey: 226

Año: 2021

Inclus et valorisés

Inclus et valorisés

Autor: Bridget Hathaway

Notre ignorance de la vérité peut causer de terribles ravages dans la vie des gens et dans les communautés. Sans une connaissance biblique approfondie du handicap, comment les responsables d’églises peuvent-ils lutter contre les attitudes et les croyances préjudiciables aussi bien au sein de l’Église que de la communauté dans laquelle ils exercent leur ministère ? Sans une compréhension de base des handicaps courants, comment les Églises peuvent-elles accompagner les personnes handicapées et encourager leur inclusion dans la vie de l’Église et de la communauté ? Ce guide complet sur le handicap et l’Église donnera aux étudiants en théologie, aux pasteurs et aux dirigeants d’églises l’initiation dont ils ont besoin pour exercer efficacement leur ministère dans leur église et leur communauté. Axé sur le contexte africain, mais contenant des explications et des informations également utiles dans bien d’autres régions, cet ouvrage est une ressource précieuse pour aider les Églises et les professionnels à grandir en maturité et en efficacité.


ISBN: 9781783687657

Dewey: 233

Año: 2021

La direction académique dans la formation théologique, volume 1

La direction académique dans la formation théologique, volume 1

Editado por: Fritz Deininger

L’ICETE Programme for Academic Leadership (IPAL) a été officiellement créé en 2010. Il est né de la nécessité de proposer une formation aux responsables académiques des institutions théologiques dans différentes régions du monde. L’IPAL propose un cycle de colloques pour le développement professionnel des responsables académiques évangéliques afin d’aider les institutions théologiques dans leur recherche de qualité et d’excellence. Cet ouvrage est le premier de trois volumes destinés à accompagner et à soutenir les formations proposées par l’IPAL, ainsi qu’à fournir de manière indépendante un accès plus large à des principes utiles pour les responsables académiques en vue du développement institutionnel. Chaque chapitre aborde et illustre la compétence et la compréhension des auteurs en matière de formation, de direction et d’administration dans les institutions théologiques évangéliques. Enrichi par la connaissance d’un large éventail de contextes non occidentaux, ce guide est indispensable pour les responsables académiques du monde entier.


ISBN: 9781783685974

Dewey: 268

Año: 2021

Une lampe à nos pieds

Une lampe à nos pieds

Autor: John Stott

Rien n’est plus important que la Parole de Dieu. Nous devons l’écouter, la comprendre et la pratiquer. La santé et la croissance des chrétiens et des Églises en dépendent. John Stott est connu pour avoir mis la Bible au cœur non seulement de son enseignement et de ses prédications, mais aussi de sa vie. Dans ce livre, de manière concise et convaincante, John Stott nous fait découvrir la puissance, l’autorité et la pertinence de la Bible pour le chrétien et pour notre monde – quel que soit notre contexte, âge ou culture. • Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de la Bible ? • Comment la Bible nous fait-elle voir Jésus ? • Quelle est la relation entre la Bible et le Saint-Esprit ? • Quel est le rôle de la Bible dans l’Église ? • Quelle place la Bible doit-elle avoir dans la vie du disciple de Jésus ? L’auteur répond à toutes ces questions avec clarté et conviction, nous encourageant à écouter la Bible, en réalisant pleinement sa pertinence pour notre monde actuel.


ISBN: 9781839735134

Dewey: 230

Año: 2021

Liderança Cristã Africana

Liderança Cristã Africana

Editado por: Robert Priest

Desejas ter melhor entendimento dos desafios e situações que os Cristãos Africanos infrentam enquanto procuram viver a fé nos seus contextos culturais? Já te perguntaste como os próprios africanos formulam e respondem a essas perguntas? Gostaria de ter acesso as pesquisas reais que podem confirmar sua própria experiência ou trazer novas informações que aprofundariam e ampliariam seu entendimento? Este exclusivo livro, produto de muitos anos de estudo e pesquisa, patrocinado pela Tyndale House Foundation, proporciona entendimentos sobre todas estas questões e muito mais. Com uma pesquisa que alcançou a participação de mais de 8.000 africanos e 57 entrevistas aprofundadas, fornece uma inestimável visão e análise concisa das dinâmicas do desenvolvimento dos atuais líderes cristãos africanos.


ISBN: 9781839734397

Dewey: 262.1096

Año: 2021